Welcome to my new website! This is the home page for various sections of my hosted platform, which reflect at different websites I have for several ventures. This includes my model railroad layouts, my travel adventures, sites for railroads of my friends, event and organization sites, both past and present. All these are on Marek Mountain. And links to other sites I maintain separately. A long time ago… in 1984, I started a dial-up via phone modem, public accessiable service called… Frolin’s Bulletin Board Service. This was a simple message board, where people would dial in and post messages or read and reply to other postings. This ran on a TRS-80 Model 4 computer in my home, using a separate land line. Years later… in 1993, I loaded my first web pages on the new world wide wide platform. Over the years, my site expanded to include “websites” to showcase model railroads of friends. These are sections of my site, under the Frolin .Net web account. This includes around 24 domain names today (with 15ish more in past) for direct links to those sites, with almost 48,000 files and 10gb of space, hosted on my platform. In 2024, I started redesigning my various pages, to modernize the websites to better adapt with new features and uses, including adapting to visitor’s devices (ie: wide monitor vs tablet vs smartphone). Along with handling files and photos (20 pictures in slideshow vs 1 off viewing). Some material will remain old style, like pictures taken 20 years ago in 800x600 resolution will still be in same. This moderization will take some time… My name is Frolin Marek and I live in Boerne, Texas. Moved up from San Antonio after 38 years in the city. Born and raised in Del Rio. I grew up with the Southern Pacific railroad mainline in front of our farm, with an HO model railroad and a general luv of trains. A hunting trip with my father to Colorado when I was 8 years old, lead me to a deep interest in Colorado narrow gauge railroading. Thank you for visiting Marek Mountain, the new home page for various material I am hosting/sharing over my Frolin .Net hosted platform.
Marek Mountain the personal website of Frolin Marek
© Frolin Marek 1994-2025 all rights reserved - all pages & sites
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