Marek Mountain
the personal website of Frolin Marek
© Frolin Marek 1994-2025
all rights reserved - all pages & sites
Over the years I have been involved with various railroad events, including creating and histing a large
model railroad, train show, and in recent years, putting together and hosting a ‘lunch social’ gathering for
the region. In past years, I created and hosted websites for some national model railroad conventions.
South Texas Railroad Socials - lunch socials to gather folks in South Texas for lunch
and fellowship, to talk trains, enjoy mini-clinics and presentations, and have show and tell.
This went virtual over Zoom during Covid, and went ‘hybrid’ after (fancy extras too).
We also have ‘Shop Talk’ sessions over Zoom, which is a round-robin gathering of folks to
share their projects, trips, plans and get help on such. This are about every 3 months.
The Socials ran form March 2018 to June 2022, when we suspended having the ‘lunch
socials’ to as the NMRA Division Rep started having Division Meetings.
We continue with ‘Shop Talk’ every few months. Near 1000 photos are online here.
Tulsa Union 2018 - the joint Regional Convention for the Lone Star and Midwest
Regions of the NMRA. I created and hosted the site, which is still online to see photos.
NNGC 2015 - National Narrow Gauge Convention in 2015 was in Houston, Texas. I
created and hosted the event website, which featured details for people to get an overview of
the event, including lots of layout photos. Mainly details and photos fo the event are still
available for review.
NNGC 2018 - the National Narrow Gauge Convention in 2018 was in the Twin Cities. I
created the initial website and hosted this for them for several months.
Southwest O Scale Meets - 2012 and 2022, I created and hosted the event websites, for
these meets in Fort Worth, Texas for O scales in the area.
Sn3 2010-2014 Symposiums - these were mini-conventions for people modeling in
1/64 S scale, narrow gauge. They are held around the US. I created the event site for five
years. The pages are still available for viewing photos.
TXNG - Texas Narrow Gaugers were small gatherings of folks in Texas to talk narrow gauge
trains. We gathered in Houston, Spring and Dallas area in 2010 and 2011.