Marek Mountain
the personal website of Frolin Marek
© Frolin Marek 1994-2025
all rights reserved - all pages & sites
DFW Nov 2024 - I attended the DFW Interchange, a model railroad, Operations
Weekend, where I worked on 4 railroads over the 2 ½ days.
Seattle Sept 2024 - Mary and I went to Seattle for a week. We toured the City, went to a
couple museums, rode the Lite Rail system, rode Ferry’s, even rode a Sea Plane. And
visited a large water fall. Plus visited two model railroads.
Dallas June 2024 - Mary and I spent 3 days in the DFW area, for her birthday.
New York City Oct 2022 - for our honeymoon, Mary and I spent 6 days in the big city.
Colorado 2019 - traveled to Colorado to ride a Photo Freight and drive over various ‘Jeep
roads’ in the Silverton area.
Colorado 2017 - attended the National Narrow Gauge Railroad convention plus traveled
around the State visiting narrow gauge railroads
Colorado 2016 - went to chase the D&RGW 315 Freight Special and two RGS Geese, and
rode the Rio Grande Scenic. Trip cut short due to family crisis.
…many new pages
to build and add
Some people go on trips, some go on vacations, some who have gone with
me say I go on ‘adventures’ because I do more than just bum around.