Welcome to the new home page for my various websites and ventures. One place to
cover my scale railroads, my travels, the websites for my friend’s railroads, plus for
events and organizations. All hosted on or supported via Marek Mountain.
Marek Mountain
the personal website of Frolin Marek
© Frolin Marek 1994-2025
all rights reserved - all pages & sites
Vistors since 1994…
New website replacing
previous after decades
I have a deep interest in model railroading. It started when I was a kid and watching the Southern
Pacific going past our farm, and grew with an HO layout my dad built for me. So much of the
material here is model railroad related.
In my early teens, I took an interest in computers, long before most had used a computer. From
basic programming to hosting an early dial up BBS system in 1984, this evolved in to a career and
more. For my railroad hobbies, this includes various model railroad sites.
This platform features various sections, to provide an initial site plus links to websites in different
areas of interest. To group my personal stuff with my external stuff.
This new web platform was started at the end of 2024. It is still in the early stages, so you will find
some areas not completed, some areas expanding every month, during 2025. This is what happens
when you have been online for decades and every so often need to build new…
Thank you for visiting. Email me if you have any questions.
At the end of the day, go play and not on your PC… run a train, build a model, ride a train, fly a drone, cut
the grass, go fishing, whatever. Don’t spend your life looking at a screen…
Frolin Marek
Boerne, Texas
My first web pages went up in 1993, over 30 years ago.
Many upgrades later, it is time for a fresh new design.
In Dec 2024, a new site was started from ground up. These
pages are changing and expanding, in the coming months.
Many pages and links are coming, new photo albums and
more. Thank you for your patience.
Welcome to the new Marek Mountain site, taking forward
the Frolin.Net origins.